Saturday, December 3, 2011

Newsletter #5

2011_11_30 Newsletter # 5

Ginger White is the latest woman to come forward with a sex story about Herman Cain whose poll numbers have fallen from 25% to 4% in less than a month. She carried on with him in an on-again off-again kind of way for 13 years. This revelation seems to be the coup de grace to his campaign, although he has yet to formally withdraw from the race. He took this lady, another white woman, on several trips, and gave her money, plus kept in constant contact with her up until last week when she came forward. This continuing “bimbo eruption” was just too much for the social conservatives who had joined is bandwagon. Michelle Bachman and Rick Perry should be next, although both have cash in the bank to keep going, even if they are going nowhere. By the way, that phrase “bimbo eruption” came from Jon Huntsman, who continues to hide in the weeds waiting for his turn in the spotlight.

Karl Rove was the force behind a vile, lying, recent ad that attacked Elizabeth Warren’s candidacy in Massachusetts that made her out to be the intellectual agitator behind the dirty, smelly, trash-creating, destructive mob calling themselves OWS. Then, on top of that, the bastard came out yesterday saying the GOP should be ready for a vicious campaign from the Obama camp that will say and do anything to win next November. There was also criticism for Obama because he left the word “God” out of his Thanksgiving address. Rove and his ilk will be hammering the president with no mercy for the next 11 months. If it were up to me I’d skip 2012.

I look to two academic intellectuals who are feeding good ideas and advice to OWS and Democratic candidates. They are George Lakoff and Gar Alperovitz. Lakoff is a cognitive scientist who stresses the importance of a robust government and the importance of capturing the national narrative away from the Republicans who have dominated it for a long time-- the Democrats need to be proactive not reactive. Gar, believe it or not, is from Racine and while in H.S. I competed with him for a good looking blond. His best tag line is: Private success depends on a robust Public. All successful entrepreneurs need a public arena built and paid for by everyone else, so they in turn should pay back those who provided the wherewithal for them to prosper. It only makes sense. Fair is fair. Huge inequality is not fair. Wealth is often “unjust desserts.” Gar is currently teaching at the University of Maryland.

An Iranian mob stormed the British embassy in the capital and when on a destructive binge, which prompted the Brits to vacate the embassy and quit a diplomatic connection with that Shite nation. The Iranians were mad because the Brits were enforcing economic sanctions against Iran. So now, while the “Arab spring” is full swing in northern Africa, Iran, Syria and Pakistan are suddenly turning very hostile towards the western democracies and powers. It’s a phenomenon called “destabilization.” Status quo countries hate that taking place instead of business as usual.

Here’s another good tag line from NY Times columnist. Maureen Dowd: “Mitt Romney is a phony with gobs of hair gel. Newt Gingrich is a phony with gobs of historical grandiosity.”

Gingrich pulled a whopper tonight that revealed his megalomania. He actually said to an audience in South Carolina, “Unlike the commentators on FOX NEWS, I know what I am talking about.” How to win friends and influence people???

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