Thursday, June 12, 2014

Deja Vue all over again

Incredibly, in a flash of unexpected drama and a changing face to events and trends, the world is different than it was a few days ago. First it was the defeat of Eric Cantor in the 7th District of Virgina, whose star-struck role in the House got torpedoed  by bad polling that had him way ahead and therefore complacent about winning. A economics professor at a small college in the district, David Brat, roiled the locals in opposition to immigration
talk, which enabled him to win by 11 points. Some say he is further out on the right than Cantor was, to the point of craziness. It goes without saying he was the candidate pushed by the Tea Party.The anger at the Party base is still intense, still wants a hardcore Republican president, but still want to aim for it with goofy tactics that ignore reality. In any case, the upcoming election will be closely watched to see what direction the GOP is going and what leader will stand out as a major Presidential candidate. I see a lot of intro-party scobbling ahead and no change in gridlock pattern. The base wants all-out war with Obama, no compromise any where down the line. Add to the mix the odd couple that
killed the cops in LV saw themselves as revolutionaries, comical jesters and plain dumb-ass wingnuts.

The other crucial event is ISIS, the Sunni, hardcore jihadhist who took over Mosul yesterday and now on their way toward Baghdad with the Iraqi army in disarray and with  ISIS intent on turning Syria and Iraq into one Islamic state under Sherie law. The regime in Iraq has already asked for American air support, which won't be granted because it is clear our occupation for 9 years did nothing to stave off what is happening again. We would be nuts to repeat the same mistake in the region, plus there is no way to pay for another war in the region and the American people would not vote for another bad adventure that will never turn the Middle East into a democracy.

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