Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Boneyard Fancies

Bone-yard Fancies are the term I have decide to employ for the new series of B&W drawings I have been doing the past month. Bone-yard seems appropriate because bone like shapes occur in almost every drawing, almost like a mordant theme announcing itself,
although there is as much humor in the images as dark messages. What kicked off this new series are two drawings from the sixties that were on slides that I recently had digitized to put on my computer. Right away I thought they were something I could develop and enlarge upon. I have done 14 in the past month, with 7 or 8 really top-notch. All of them are done with a felt-tipped pen and in the last few I introduced pencil to create a soft gray to go with the the stark B&W. I haven't shown them to Jim yet, but I'd like to included a few of them in the book. We will need to discuss how many drawings we want to include in the book because I would like to add a few old drawings and the same with these new ones; or save them for another book which is a possibility I suppose, at least in my own mind.

Chuck Hegel resigned over the weekend. In truth he was pushed out by the President and his advisers. I haven't read much about why this has happened, and it comes at a bad time, when approval from Congress is going to hard to obtain, if at all. The same will be true with Obama's choice to replace Holder, Loretta Lynch. It will be real fight in both instances I would imagine, because both are critical cabinet posts.

As I expected the Grand Jury let Darren Wilson off the hook, which caused considerable anger and destruction Monday night. The destruction was inevitable after all the hope and anxiety over waiting for the news. In fact, it was more like token reminder that black people are fed up with this parade of black youth being killed by cops, who get away with socially sanction murder. Four days ago a 12 yr-old boy with a fake gun was gunned down by two NY cops. It goes on and on. Wilson acted like rookie cop with a vendetta toward blacks. He had no business using deadly force. A more mature officer would have used pepper spray of a tazer to control Brown. He used Brown as target practice. He released a fusillade of shots at the kid.

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