Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Big Dream

7/12/2002--Big Dream

I am watching two groups of wild turkeys fighting each other ; next a grizzly bear jumps into the fray, grabs one of the turkeys and begins to eat it. Shocked by the scene, I make a series of loud noises trying to shoo the bear away. The bear rumbles off, disappearing in some bushes. I think I should tell Sue there is a wild bear in the vicinity. There is a drug store attached our house (it resembles Clark Drugs in Racine) but when I circle around the house I am confronted by a deep canyon and I am standing on the edge of the the Canyon. When I look down I see a gorgeous woman. She resembles the buxom actress Pamela Anderson . I shout down to her I am coming to get her out of the hole she's in. She starts to move away, like she didn't want to be rescued. I throw a stick at her and say"I won't hurt you." But she continues to flee as if I was trying to catch her. Once I see how deep the hole is I panic and believe I am the grizzly bear. I am worried about myself, if I have to get out it by myself 'but then I realize I am a walking out the hole by myself. I am not restrained by my limits or by the dream. When I get back in the house there is a Hispanic couple in the house; they ask me if there's any Jews living in the neighborhood. They don't like Jews.

I can easily see myself as a large Grizzly bear who loves Turkey (the bird) and Wild Turkey (the whiskey, a high.) Pamela Andersen is just the kind of cheap broad that haunts my unconscious. I would love to eat her. She has the body type that is favored a lot on Internet porn. But alas, I remain at a distance from her, me the voyeur, always at a distance. I can only throw a stick at Ms. Andersen--read dick, not stick--which misses the target. But the most interesting part of the dream is my ability I am dreaming and how to act on that ability.

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