Thursday, May 29, 2014

End Game

My brother, acting as go-between , speaking for his daughter, Terie, now 50 years old, let me know I was way out of line by sending her, on impulse at the last minute, one of my drawings, as she, nor her mother, has ever seen any of my work. I thought it was about time. Well, in 24 hours the shit hit the fan, as Terie let me know "it was an inappropriate image to send an innocent young girl."That jerked me around to start with because I knew she was seeing a lot of movies with nudity, sex and violence. Her mother was suggesting I was a corrupting influence, perhaps in the same way I influenced Mike Pfaffl wrongly, which has wrongly been held against me since his death. Then she took things farther: she insisted that Don tell me to never again contact any of the six grand kids again. She effectively cut me off from interaction, which in one fell swoop cancelled our thoughts about another Pfaffl reunion in 2015. I was furious that my niece, who didn't know diddly-sqat about art, much less my art, had the balls to insult me at least on three levels at once. I wrote back to her that she better apologize to me post haste before she shreds the good will of the two families irreparably. Don was on the same page with me in regard the damage done was bad enough already, so let's not throw gas on the fire. He had been embarrassed by her original bitching and view of me. So then there was a loll for about 10 days where I heard nothing from anybody.

Then yesterday came news that Terie wanted to say she was sorry for what she said and did. She said she flipped out do to the fact she was having a bad day and she let it get the best of her. She regrets the whole thing and hopes the damage she caused was minimal. She understands I am a serious artist not wanna-be pornographer. I wrote her back right away, telling her thanks for the apology and let's go forward from here. Now that she has apologized I fell much better.

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