Wednesday, May 7, 2014


Wed. May 7, 2014
I could not sleep so I got up at 3 AM to fiddle-fart around at my computer. I am having a devil of a time breathing due to allergies, one of which has me snot-nosed and coughing. Strangely enough I am both energized by the poetry project and dragging my butt because of the allergies. I had lain in bed for a couple of hours listening to Dylan albums, trying to pick up on his phrasing and internal rhymes. His skills blow me away. But I am better off than my brother who is currently in a hospital in Milwaukee. He went to the ER Sunday night, which happened to be his 76 birthday, with sever abdominal pains. They are telling him it is a bowel obstruction. They might have to operate. If you ask me he is having so much stomach problems because of his 55 years of eating rich Italian food prepared by his wife.

Through Linkin I have gotten hooked into a group of writers, professional and amateur, who criticize each others work. It's called "Poetry and Literature." I jumped right into the fray with a couple of poems that elicited some response from some black woman in Detroit. She jumped on my "cattitude,"a neologism that takes some explanation. CAT means woman/pussy, so cattitude means how you see women. Quite clever me thinks. Anyway, she eviscerated me, really extrapolating from what little information I gave her. She somehow sniffed out my rage against women which has been constant in my dream life. I rather enjoyed the pounding, especially since she was so damn intuitive. I am still writing daily and have about 30 good poems. I haven't been on FB at all. I guess I am waiting for Larry to return.

We went through all of Nasima's photographs from Hawaii and selected 88 to have made into glossies through SNAPFISH.

Ron's advice to me was buy a camera I can carry in my pocket for around $200.

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